Karusel dvoustojanový

SC 125 / 160 D CNC

Inv. číslo:502860
Kategorie:Karusel > dvoustojanový
Typ:SC 125 / 160 D CNC
Rok výroby:0
Rok GO:0

Max. prumer soustružení v klasické polohe : 12 500 mm

Max. výška soustružení : 5500 mm

Max. prumer soustružení s odsuntým suportem : 16 000 mm

Max. hmotnost obrobku : 400 000 kg

Hmotnost stroje : 850 000 kg

Popis:SK:Stroj je vo velmi dobrom technickom stave, po dohode možnosť obhliadky.
EN: The machine in a good technical condition, for agrement possibility to see it.
aceplate diamater 10.000 mm
max working diameter:
with gantry in normal position 12.500 mm
with max move gantry 16.000 mm
max working height 5.500 mm
faceplate rotation frequency (3 constantly adjustable steps) 0,125 - 12,5 rev/min
max workpiece weight (less then 2 rev/min) 400.000 kg
max cutting moment on the faceplate 100.000 kgcm
vertical slider's run 3.500 mm
max cutting force 16.000 kgs
slider's cross-section 500 Х 500 mm
turning angle (in both directions) 0 - 30 deg.
range of support's feedings 0,005 - 200 mm/rev
range of slider's feedings 0,5 - 2400 mm/min
vertical slider's run 2.500 mm
max cutting force 10.000 kgs
slider's cross-section 500 Х 500 mm
turning angle (in both directions) 0 - 30 deg.
milling sipndle rotation frequency (3 constantly adjustable steps) 6,3 - 630 rev/min
head diameter of milling spindle 225 mm
range of support's feedings
range of slider's feedings 0,02 - 96 deg/min
range of faceplate's milling feedings 0,5 - 2400 mm/min
milling sipndle's conicity ISO 50
max length 26.154 mm
width 17.514 mm
over the floor 15.300 mm
under the floor 4.340 mm
machine weight 850.000 kg